Documentation Requirements
What you need to have to get ready for your pet’s journey
If you are contemplating returning Pets to the UK and your Dog or Cat Passport is up to date, then you should have no problem with transporting your Pets to the UK. Make certain that your Pets Passport has no alterations or crossed out entries, in which case these entries must be stamped and signed by the Veterinarian. It must be noted that a Pet Passport that has “tippex” to alter mistakes will not be accepted at the UK border.
Posh Pets offers a Pet Passport Checking Service, which can in many cases resolve minor issues and give owners peace of mind that their Pets Travel documentation is valid once a booking is made..
In addition to our Pet Travel service by land, Posh Pets can provides a Pets Taxi Service to and from Malaga Airport on the Costa del Sol. Posh Pets offers a totally comprehensive pet travel service tailor made to pet Owner’s individual requirements. This service includes the sale of Airline compliant Pet Travel Boxes and a Pet Delivery/Collection Service anywhere in Spain.
Pet Travel Scheme from France / Spain to GB
Travelling to Great Britain from the EU with a dog, cat or ferret:
Step 1
Have your pet microchipped – Before any of the other procedures for pet travel are carried out, your pet must be fitted with a microchip so it can be properly identified.
Step 2
Have your pet vaccinated – After the microchip has been fitted your pet must be vaccinated against rabies. There is no exemption to this requirement, even if your pet has a current rabies vaccination. Rabies boosters must be kept up to date. The length of the waiting period before entry to the UK is 21 days after the first vaccination date. A waiting period is not required for subsequent entries into the UK, provided rabies boosters are kept up to date. If the vaccination is in two parts the 21-day wait will be from the date of the second vaccination.
Step 3
Get pet travel documentation – For animals being prepared in an EU country, you should get an EU blue pet passport. If you are preparing your animal in a non-EU listed country or territory you will need to obtain an official third country veterinary certificate (apart from Croatia, Gibraltar, Norway, San Marino, and Switzerland who also issue pet passports).
Step 4
Tapeworm treatment – (dogs only): before entering the UK, all pet dogs (including assistance dogs) must be treated for tapeworm. The treatment must be administered by a vet not less than 24 hours and not more than 120 hours (1-5 days) before its scheduled arrival time in the UK.
Preparing your dog or cat in the EU
Step 1
Have your pet microchipped – Before any of the other procedures for pet travel are carried out, your pet must be fitted with a microchip so it can be properly identified.
Step 2
Have your pet vaccinated – After the microchip has been fitted your pet must be vaccinated against rabies. There is no exemption to this requirement, even if your pet has a current rabies vaccination. Rabies boosters must be kept up to date. The length of the waiting period before entry to the UK is 21 days after the first vaccination date. A waiting period is not required for subsequent entries into the UK, provided rabies boosters are kept up to date. If the vaccination is in two parts the 21-day wait will be from the date of the second vaccination.
Step 3
Get pet travel documentation – For animals being prepared in an EU country, you should get an EU blue pet passport. If you are preparing your animal in a non-EU listed country or territory you will need to obtain an official third country veterinary certificate (apart from Croatia, Gibraltar, Norway, San Marino, and Switzerland who also issue pet passports).
Step 4
Tapeworm treatment – (dogs only): before entering the UK, all pet dogs (including assistance dogs) must be treated for tapeworm. The treatment must be administered by a vet not less than 24 hours and not more than 120 hours (1-5 days) before its scheduled arrival time in the UK.
Travel from countries such as France /Spain countries not free from tapeworm (Echinococcus multilocularis)
You’ll need to take your dog to a vet for an approved tapeworm treatment. You must do this no less than 24 hours and no more than 120 hours (5 days) before entering GB.
The treatment must:
• be approved for use in the country where the treatment is applied
• contain praziquantel or an equivalent proven to be effective against tapeworm (Echinococcus multilocularis)
A cat does not require a tapeworm treatment.
Pet travel documents:
Your pet must have one of the following documents when entering or returning to GB:
- An EU pet passport issued in the EU (or in GB if issued before 1 January 2021), or a pet passport from another Part 1 listed third country
- The animal health certificate (AHC) issued in GB used to travel to the EU – which you can use to re-enter GB for up to 4 months after it was issued
- A GB pet health certificate (for travel into GB only)
With private boarding facilities before or after your departure, our service is tailor-made for your pet to high standards and most importantly, a caring service for your pet, are all available at Posh Pets Spain.
Pet Travel Scheme from GB to the EU
Travelling from Great Britain to the EU with a dog, cat or ferret:
Your pet will need an (AHC) ANIMAL HEALTH CERTIFICATE showing a record of the microchip followed by the rabies vaccination which must be at least 21 days prior to travel. Travel must be within 10 days of the AHC being issued.
Your AHC will be valid for 4 months.
Once you arrive in the EU and if you become a resident in the EU, you need to re-register your pet at your local vet & your pet will be eligible for an EU pet passport.
Post BREXIT. If your dog, cat or ferret has an EU pet passport (EU from a member state) and are heading back to the EU from GB.
An EU pet passport issued from a member state e.g. France or Spain will remain accepted for travel between Great Britain & the EU after the 1st January 2021 provided it remains VALID (RABIES IN DATE).
Be advised that a GB vet will NO LONGER be able to update the EU issued pet passport other than tapeworm & clinical examination sections.
If your rabies goes out of date whilst in the UK your pet will require an AHC to return to the EU.
For further Help – Pet Travel Scheme Helpline contact:
DEFRA – Department for Environment,
food & Rural Affairs.
Area 201, 1a Page street, London, SW1P 4PQ
Tel: +44(0) 870 241 1710
(Mon – Friday – 8.30am to 5pm)
Fax: +44 (0) 20 7904 6206
Returning to the UK Urgently?
Contact Posh Pets and we will look after your pet, obtain their Pet Passport and send them home at the date the passport becomes valid. Pet Collections in Spain are available if you are unable to deliver them directly to our premises.
Importing your Pet to Spain?
Contact us and we will arrange collection of your pets from your UK home & deliver your Cats and Dogs from the UK and deliver them to your home in Spain. This is our door to door service. If you have already arranged your own pet travel arrangements by air we can also meet your Pets at the Airport and deliver them directly to you or board them until you are settled into your new home.